Equal Pay

Across the nation, women who hold full time, year round jobs, are paid on average 77 cents for every dollar paid to men. African American Women are paid 64 cents for every dollar paid to white males.

When your employer denies you equal pay, than that is unlawful discrimination.

As a woman, I have been subjected to this lack of equal pay and it is one of the reasons I started my own law firm. Unfortunately, we sometimes feel we have no choice but to take what is given to us.

However, it is time for you to be paid what you are worth and for women to receive equal pay as the law requires.

The Equal Pay Act

The Equal Pay Act has been in effect since 1963. It makes it unlawful for an employer to discriminate between employees on the basis of sex in the payment of wages.

If you or someone you love has been denied equal pay, then please give us a call for help.

To many of us, our job is more than just a job, it is the means to support our family and loved ones, it provides us with a sense of pride. However, when we, as women, are denied equal pay just because we are women, then that is discrimination and it is wrong.

There are a number of remedies available you. You may be entitled to receive your loss of wages, any promotions, bonuses or raises you were denied and   the benefits you may have lost. You may also be entitled to recover for the emotional toll that the termination had on you.

You cannot be terminated for demanding that you be provided equal pay.

The law protects you, if you ask for Equal Pay under the law and your employer terminates you, that is Retaliation and it is wrong. If this happens to you, please call us and we can help. Trust this important issue to a Law Firm owned by a woman to stand up for your rights.

You do not have to feel you are alone. We are here to help you. We are just a phone call away.

Call The Law Offices of Maryann Gallagher at 213-626-1810, or email us here.

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