Pregnancy Discrimination

Women who are pregnant and working experience many difficult challenges. This is supposed to be the happiest time of your life, but can turn into a horrible experience if your employer does not accommodate your pregnancy.

As a working mother of three children, Maryann Gallagher knows the challenges that working and being pregnant at the same time can bring.

If the employer treats you unfairly due to the fact you are pregnant, this may also be against the law. If the employer terminates you because you are pregnant or took maternity leave, this may also be against the law.

California Protection under the Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA)

Your employer cannot deny you benefits, promotions or compensation because you are pregnant.

Your employer cannot terminate you because you are pregnant, or because you took a leave when you were pregnant.

If there are health risks associated with your pregnancy, the employer is required to take steps such as temporarily adjusting your job duties, or schedule to allow you to safely work while you are pregnant without putting yourself or your baby at risk.

Both state and Federal law provide for medical/pregnancy leave

There are many laws that protect your right to take leave to have your baby and to care for your baby without losing your job.

This is a time in your life that should be joyful and focused on your health and the health of your baby. If you are having problems at work because you are pregnant or because you took a pregnancy leave, please give us a call. We can help take some of the stress and pressure off of you.

If you were fired when you took leave to have a baby, then please call us. This is unfair and we can help you make it right.

There are a number of remedies available to employees who are found to have been subjected to pregnancy discrimination or retaliation, or both at work. You may be entitled to receive your loss of wages, any promotions , bonuses or raises you were denied, the benefits you may have lost . You may also be entitled to recover for the emotional toll that the harassment and retaliation had on you.

You do not have to feel you are alone.   We are here to help you. We are just a phone call away.

Call The Law Offices of Maryann Gallagher at 213-626-1810, or email us here.

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