Wrongful Termination

Wrongful termination is the termination of an employee for illegal reasons, or reasons that violate public policy.

Your employer probably hired an attorney to advise them how to “create a paper trail” of complaints and written warnings to justify your termination so they can hide the true reason you were terminated before they actually terminated you.

This can be a humiliating, frustrating and degrading experience for an employee. You will need an attorney to assist you as soon as possible after your termination to start gathering the evidence necessary to assist you.

If you feel the true reason for your termination was because:

  • Your Age
  • Your Sex
  • Your Pregnancy
  • Your LGBT affiliation
  • Your marital status
  • Your religion
  • Your disability
  • Your sexual orientation
  • Your affiliation with someone who is protected
  • You complained about harassment or discrimination
  • You made complaints of what you believed to be was illegal activity or practices
  • You refused to engage in illegal activities
  • You are a whistleblower

There are a number of remedies available to you if you are wrongfully terminated. You may be entitled to receive your loss of wages, any promotions, bonuses or raises you were denied and   the benefits you may have lost. You may also be entitled to recover for the emotional toll that the   termination had on you.

You do not have to feel you are alone. We are here to help you. We are just a phone call away.

Call The Law Offices of Maryann Gallagher at 213-626-1810, or email us here.

Se habla español.